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The Prophet and His Ten Companions
The Prophet ﷺ and His Ten Companions رضي الله عنهم by al-Ḥāfiẓ ‘Abdul-Ghāni al-Maqdisi (600 AH) Explained by Shaykh Muḥammad bin ‘Abdul-Wahhāb al-‘Aqīl, It is unfortunate that there are young Muslims who have been raised by Muslim parents but have not read the biography of the Prophet ﷺ even one day, while they have heard the names of hundreds of disbelievers and other Muslim personalities. In truth, this is a deficiency from the parents, because the mind and heart of the child is like a vessel — if you fill it with good, it will be filled with good, and if you fill it with evil, then evil will occupy it. And if you neglect these vessels, someone else will fill them. It is upon the Muslim fathers to fear Allāh the Exalted and to fill the hearts and minds of their children with the sīrah of the Prophet ﷺ and the sīrah of his Companions, so they can take them as their role models. The youth will definitely take someone as a role model. If you make the Prophet ﷺ their role model, they will succeed in this life and the next. If not, others will give them role models, such as athletes, actors, and singers.
Publisher: Authentic Statements
Author: Imaam Al-Maqdisi
Pages: 187
Cover: Softcover
Nog maar 9 stuks op voorraad.
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